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Moon Living Abroad in Australia
Ulrike Lemmin-Woolfrey has lived in more than five countries, and her current residency in Australia has made her an expert at life ?down under.” Lemmin-Woolfrey provides insight and firsthand advice on making the move to Australia, and she outlines all the information needed in a smart, organized, and straightforward manner. Moon Living Abroad in Australia makes the moving and transition process easy for businesspeople, students, teachers, retirees, and professionals.
Moon Living Abroad in Australia is packed with essential information and must-have details on setting up daily life, including obtaining visas, arranging finances, gaining employment, choosing schools, and finding health care. This relocation guide also includes practical advice on how to rent or buy a home for a variety of needs and budgets, whether it’s an apartment in Sydney or a home across the continent in Perth.
Moon Living Abroad in Australia is packed with essential information and must-have details on setting up daily life, including obtaining visas, arranging finances, gaining employment, choosing schools, and finding health care. This relocation guide also includes practical advice on how to rent or buy a home for a variety of needs and budgets, whether it’s an apartment in Sydney or a home across the continent in Perth.
- 作者: Lemmin-woolfrey, Ulrike
- 原文出版社:Pgw
- 出版日期:2013/11/26
- 語言:英文
Moon Living Abroad in Australia
總統府 11 日表示,針對馬來西亞新屆國會大選,馬國人民展現高度民主素養,並順利完成首次政黨輪替,由馬哈迪( Mahathir bin Mohamad)先生領導的「希望聯盟」(Pakatan Harapan)贏得國會多數席次,我們表達誠摯祝賀。
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